Case Studies¶
Case Study #1: Proving invariants of actor systems¶
Actor system model¶
Our model is loosely based on the modern definition of object-based actor systems, and attempts to provide an idiomatic Scala API in the style of the Akka actor library.
In this framework, each actor is addressed by a reference, through which other actors can asynchronously send messages. Each actor has an associated behavior, which holds the state of the actor, if any, and determines
the operations which will be performed upon receiving a message
what is the next behavior to associate with its reference
A behavior can thus be seen as a data type holding some immutable values representing the state, and a method which takes in a message, performs some computation which might involve sending messages to other actors, and finally returns a new behavior.
State at the actor level is thus effectively handled in a functional way, by returning a new behavior which holds the updated state. An actor system maintains a collection of one-way channels (inboxes) between any two actors in the system.
An inbox is an ordered list of messages awaiting delivery, the head of the list being the next message to deliver.
The system drives the execution by non-deterministically picking a non-empty inbox, taking the first message of the list, and invoking the message handler of the behavior associated with the destination reference.
It then collects the messages to send, and appends them to the appropriate inboxes, and update the destination actor’s behavior with the behavior returned by the message handler.
Actor system implementation¶
import stainless.lang._
import stainless.collection._
import stainless.annotation._
In our framework, messages are modeled as constructors of the abstract class Msg
abstract class Msg
Actor reference¶
Each actor is associated with a persistent reference, modeled as instances of the case class ActorRef
Each reference has a name, and an underlying Akka
, marked as extern and pure (see Section Working With Existing Code for more information about extern fields).
case class ActorRef(
name: String,
@extern @pure
) {
def !(msg: Msg)(implicit ctx: ActorContext): Unit = {
ctx.send(this, msg)
Actor Context¶
When a message is delivered to an actor, the latter is provided with a context, which holds a reference to itself, and a mutable list of messages to send. We mark this list as ghost to avoid having to persist in memory the list of all messages sent through the context.
case class ActorContext(
self: ActorRef,
var toSend: List[(ActorRef, Msg)] = Nil()
) {
def send(to: ActorRef, msg: Msg): Unit = {
toSend = (to, msg) :: toSend
sendUnderlying(to, msg)
@extern @pure
private def sendUnderlying(to: ActorRef, msg: Msg): Unit = {
to.underlying ! msg
A behavior specifies both the current state of an actor, and how this one should process the next incoming message. In our framework, these are modeled as a subclass of the abstract class Behavior
, which defines a single abstract method processMsg
, to be overridden for each defined behavior.
Using the provided ActorContext
, the implementation of the processMsg
method can both access its own reference, and send messages. It is also required to return a new Behavior
for handling subsequent messages.
sealed abstract class Behavior {
def processMsg(msg: Msg)(implicit ctx: ActorContext): Behavior
Actor System¶
The state of the actor system at a given point in time is modeled as a case class, holding the behavior associated with each actor reference, and the list of in-flight messages between any two actors.
It provides a step
method which, whengiven two ActorRef
, will deliver the next message (if any) in the corresponding channel.
Because the ActorSystem
class is only used to model and prove properties about the underlying actor system, we mark the whole class as ghost in order to drop it from the resulting program.
case class ActorSystem(
behaviors: CMap[ActorRef, Behavior],
inboxes: CMap[(ActorRef, ActorRef), List[Msg]]
) {
def step(from: ActorRef, to: ActorRef): ActorSystem = {
inboxes(from -> to) match {
case Nil() =>
case Cons(msg, msgs) =>
val (newBehavior, toSend) = deliverMessage(to, msg)
val newBehaviors = behaviors.updated(to, newBehavior)
val newInboxes = toSend.foldLeft(inboxes.updated(from -> to, msgs)) {
case (acc, (dest, m)) => acc.updated(to -> dest, m :: acc(to -> dest))
ActorSystem(newBehaviors, newInboxes)
private def deliverMessage(actor: ActorRef, msg: Msg): (Behavior, List[(ActorRef, Msg)]) = {
val behavior = behaviors(actor)
val ctx = ActorContext(actor, Nil())
val nextBehavior = behavior.processMsg(msg)(ctx)
(nextBehavior, ctx.toSend)
Building a replicated counter¶
def noSender =
val Primary = ActorRef("primary", noSender)
val Backup = ActorRef("backup", noSender)
case object Inc extends Msg
case class Counter(value: BigInt) {
require(value >= 0)
def increment: Counter = Counter(value + 1)
def <=(that: Counter): Boolean = this.value <= that.value
case class PrimBehav(backup: ActorRef, counter: Counter) extends Behavior {
require( == "backup")
def processMsg(msg: Msg)(implicit ctx: ActorContext): Behavior = msg match {
case Inc =>
backup ! Inc
PrimBehav(backup, counter.increment)
case _ => this
case class BackBehav(counter: Counter) extends Behavior {
def processMsg(msg: Msg)(implicit ctx: ActorContext): Behavior = msg match {
case Inc =>
case _ => this
Proving preservation of an invariant¶
After having defined an actor system with our framework, one might want to verify that this system preserves some invariant between each step of its execution. That is to say, given an invariant inv: ActorSystem → Boolean
, for any ActorSystem
s and any two ActorRef
n and m, if inv(s)
holds, then inv(s.step(n, m))
should hold as well. In other words:
\(\forall s: \texttt{ActorSystem}, n, m: \texttt{ActorRef}. \texttt{inv}(s) \implies \texttt{inv}(s.\texttt{step}(n, m))\)
We note that, because we are essentially doing a proof by induction over execution steps here, one needs also to ensure the invariant holds for some initial system. We show these two properties below:
def invariant(s: ActorSystem): Boolean = {
s.inboxes(Primary -> Primary).isEmpty &&
s.inboxes(Backup -> Primary).isEmpty &&
s.inboxes(Backup -> Backup).isEmpty &&
s.inboxes(Primary -> Backup).forall(_ == Inc) && {
(s.behaviors(Primary), s.behaviors(Backup)) match {
case (PrimBehav(_, p), BackBehav(b)) =>
p.value == b.value + s.inboxes(Primary -> Backup).length
case _ => false
def initialSystem = ActorSystem(
behaviors = CMap({
case `Primary` => PrimBehav(Counter(0))
case `Backup` => BackBehav(Counter(0))
inboxes = CMap(_ => List())
def initialInv = invariant(initialSystem).holds
def validRef(ref: ActorRef): Boolean = ref == Primary || ref == Backup
def theorem(s: ActorSystem, from: ActorRef, to: ActorRef): Boolean = {
require(invariant(s) && validRef(from) && validRef(to))
val newSystem = s.step(from, to)
Running the system with Akka¶
class ActorWrapper(initialBehavior: Behavior) extends with {
private def handler(behavior: Behavior): PartialFunction[Any, Unit] = {
case msg: Msg =>
val me = ActorRef(, context.self)
val ctx = ActorContext(me, Nil())
val newBehavior = behavior.processMsg(msg)(ctx)"Received: $msg, becoming $newBehavior")
context.become(handler(newBehavior), discardOld = true)
def receive = handler(initialBehavior)
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val initCounter = Counter(0)
val system ="Counter")
val backupRef = ActorRef(
system.actorOf( ActorWrapper(BackBehav(initCounter))),
name = "backup"
val primaryRef = ActorRef(
system.actorOf( ActorWrapper(PrimBehav(backupRef, initCounter))),
name = "primary"
implicit val ctx = ActorContext(primaryRef, Nil())
import system.dispatcher
import scala.concurrent.duration._
system.scheduler.schedule(500.millis, 1000.millis) {
primaryRef ! Inc