InsertionSort.scala [raw]

/* Copyright 2009-2016 EPFL, Lausanne */

import stainless.annotation._
import stainless.lang._

object InsertionSort {
  sealed abstract class List
  case class Cons(head:Int,tail:List) extends List
  case class Nil() extends List

  sealed abstract class OptInt
  case class Some(value: Int) extends OptInt
  case class None() extends OptInt

  def size(l : List) : BigInt = (l match {
    case Nil() => BigInt(0)
    case Cons(_, xs) => 1 + size(xs)
  }) ensuring(_ >= 0)

  def contents(l: List): Set[Int] = l match {
    case Nil() => Set.empty
    case Cons(x,xs) => contents(xs) ++ Set(x)

  def isSorted(l: List): Boolean = l match {
    case Nil() => true
    case Cons(x, Nil()) => true
    case Cons(x, Cons(y, ys)) => x <= y && isSorted(Cons(y, ys))

  /* Inserting element 'e' into a sorted list 'l' produces a sorted list with
   * the expected content and size */
  def buggySortedIns(e: Int, l: List): List = {
    // require(isSorted(l))
    l match {
      case Nil() => Cons(e,Nil())
      case Cons(x,xs) => if (x <= e) Cons(x,buggySortedIns(e, xs)) else Cons(e, l)
  } ensuring(res => contents(res) == contents(l) ++ Set(e) 
                    && isSorted(res)
                    && size(res) == size(l) + 1
// Counterexample for postcondition violation in `buggySortedIns`:
//   when e is:
//     0
//   when l is:
//     Cons(-2147483643, Cons(-2147483644, Nil()))
