Frequently Asked Questions

If you have a question, we suggest you post it at (try searching for the leon tag or the stainless tag) or contact one of the authors of this documentation.

Below we collect answers to some questions that came up.

Proving properties of size

I have defined a size function on my algebraic data type.

sealed abstract class List
case class Cons(head: Int, tail: List) extends List
case object Nil extends List
def size(l: List) : Int = (l match {
  case Nil => 0
  case Cons(_, t) => 1 + size(t)
}) ensuring(_ >= 0)

Stainless neither proves nor gives a counterexample. Why?

Answer: You should consider using BigInt, which denotes unbounded mathematical integers, instead of Int, which denotes 32-bit integers. If you replace Int with BigInt in the result type of size, the function should verify. Note that algebraic data types can be arbitrarily large, so, if the input list had the size Int.MaxValue + 1 (which is 2^32) then the addition 1 + size(t) would wrap around and produce Int.MinValue (that is, -2^31), so the ensuring clause would not hold.

Compiling Stainless programs to bytecode

If you don’t use special constructs such as choose or forall, you should be able to compile Stainless programs to .class using scalac and execute them directly on the JVM, or integrate them as part as other Scala-based projects.

Beware that you need to explicitly include files from the Stainless library (that are implicitly bundled when you use the ./stainless script):

$ mkdir out
$ scalac $(find path/to/stainless/frontends/library/ -name "*.scala" | xargs) MyFile.scala -d out